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Although I’ve never been a parent or held the title of teacher, preacher or coach, I think I’m beginning to understand a little bit more about what it means to be all of those things.

You see, I have the honor and privilege of being a Squad Mentor to 43 beautiful humans. Forty-three beautiful humans who are in their 3rd month of the World Race. Forty-three beautiful humans that I get to encourage, challenge, serve and minister to daily. Forty-three beautiful humans whom I have come to love and care for deeply.

Forty-three beautiful humans who sometimes forget what I tell them.

“What do you mean you forgot? I told you at Launch you have to talk to me about that before you do it.”

“Don’t you remember what I said at Debrief?”

“Remember when you told me you were going to do that everyday and now you’re telling me you haven’t done it at all? Seriously?”

I could get frustrated. I have gotten frustrated.

And, each time, the Father gently says, “You know you do this too, right? You do what I tell you not to do. You forget what I say. You tell me you’re going to walk in obedience, but your habits don’t change.”

Hi there, conviction. Thank you for that humbling revelation.

Isn’t it fun when you realize that the things that frustrate you the most about people tend to be the things that you also do?

My sincerest apologies to my parents, pastors, teachers and coaches.

And, of course, to my Heavenly Father.

I’m starting to get it now.

We all have the tendency to forget. There’s grace for that.

There’s also the reality that the Bible calls us to remember.

In Hebrew, the word for remembering is Zakar.

It means not just to keep present in the mind but also to take purposeful action.

Jesus and the apostles remembered the deeds from the Hebrew Bible and celebrated the festival days. By remembering the former covenant, a new covenant was formed.

Whereas Passover memorializes the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses and the Israelites, the Lord’s Supper memorializes the passage from death to life of Jesus and all those bonded to Him.

When we take part in communion, we are actively expressing that we understand what the Lord has done for us.  Anytime we hear from the Lord and act in obedience we are answering this call.

Here are two recent stories of my squad members acting out remembrance.

Jonathan remembered Psalm 145:8-9 and now he and his teammates are showing grace and compassion to a group of people the world calls broken.

Read his story here

Christen remembered that the Lord calls himself Sovereign and she chose to honor that by stepping out in faith to evangelize, pray for healing and show love to the people she encountered, regardless of the outcome.

Read her story here


What are we forgetting that the Lord has called us to remember and act upon?

How can we better commemorate the things the Lord has done in our lives?

Is this a Biblical principle we actually live out or just read about?


As I seek to answer these questions for myself, I’d invite you to remember the work that the Lord has called me to and consider acting upon that by becoming a prayer partner and/or financial donor. In order to continue my ministry, I need both. 


If you are willing to help please click on the “Donate” link to the left and give directly to my Adventures in Missions account online


You can send a check payable to Adventures in Missions making sure that you put my name, “Chrissy Robertson,” in the Memo. Mail it to:

Adventures In Missions

PO Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570